Saturday, October 24, 2009

Royal Canadian Mounted Police - the Mounties

I'm going to tell you a little story.  I don't know if it's because they ride horses, or if it's because I had the pleasure of watching Rocky & Bullwinkle, and dear Dudley Do-right , but I've always had a soft spot for Mounties.  I grew up on a farm...I had my own quarter horse, we had our own vegetable garden the size of 2 Vancouver lots (of course, we are talking of the 70s here).  I do know that horses are vegetarians, but one fine summer day after I had all but grown into a young woman, I was working at the Beach House Restaurant in Stanley Park, in the kiosk.  To familiarize you, Stanley Park is 1,000 acres of green, beautiful parkland chock full of local history.  One of the few places, in the 80s where you could still happen upon a Mountie riding his trusty steed.  I was in luck, the horse in question took a liking to me, or at least where I was working.  In my awe, I offered him a hamburger.  A Hamburger!!  What was I thinking?!  How embarrassing, and there stood the horse looking at me all ferklempt as he spies some carrots over my shoulder.  The Mountie in all his proper manners and etiquette advises me that meat may not be to the horse's liking.  For some reason, I still have it in my head, that when an RCMP officer is dressed in his/her Red Serge that they are a fictional character, like a celebrity, or the West End Firemen!!! (well, that's another story, God bless them one & all) ... they have no personal life, they just are!   In the Mounties case, they are Dudley Do-Right, Sergeant Preston of the YukonDue South's Benton Fraser and his wolf, Diefenbaker  But of course, this is not true - they are real people who save real lives.  I'd like to introduce you to our National Police force of Canada - those in the Red Serge with their faithful companions, their steeds.  A fine symbol of Canada.

Looking for information about a relative who served in the North-West Mounted PoliceThe Royal Northwest Mounted Police? Or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police? Looking for photographs? Allow me to quick route you to the Mounties Archives.

Here I am, joining the ever changing tides of Blog

Please bear with me as I find my way in the ebb and flow of my mind, searching for an island to set upon in this secret world of Blog.  My husband, from here on in we'll call him "the Rock" literal English translation of his French name.  My husband, the Rock (oh and wouldn't I be so lucky if he was), used to say to me often, "it must be nice in that world of yours" to which now I'll gladly reply "yes, and I'd like to go back there someday".

So, here I am in search of that world of mine.  I'm sure it's to be a very interesting journey.

You may not realize this, but Canada is quite a large country.  I know, it's true!

We live in that first yellow province on the far left.  See the line going down, showing the Fraser River - well, we're at the bottom there.  It's truly a beautiful place to be.  Oh, don't worry - there is beauty to behold in every province, territory, state &/or country.  I'm just proud to be Canadian & proud to be a BC girl.

Canada is actually the 2nd largest country in the whole world!  I'm sure it's hard to believe, seeing as how our population is the 4th lowest in the world. Canadian Population up to the minute.  We don't mind though.  It's really quite nice to see the forest for the trees.